Thank you for your interest in volunteering at our 87th Annual Conference. Many volunteers are needed each year to help make the AASPA Annual Conference a success. Volunteering is a great way to network while getting a behind-the-scenes look at the conference. Below you will find a list of the possible assigned duties and responsibilities. Please reach out to emily@aaspa.org for any questions.
Ticket Checker
In this role you will help AASPA staff check Pre-Conference numbers located on the back of attendee name badges and help direct people to their appropriate room.
Bag Stuffers (MONDAY ONLY)
Want a sneak peek at the goodies you will be going home with? In this role you will be helping stuff Welcome Bags as well as Conference Bags for the attendees.
Registration Desk
For this volunteer position, you will be assisting Morgan Schultz, AASPA's Director of Membership & Engagement, at the Registration Desk. You will assist attendees as they check in at one of our stations as well as handing out Conference Bags.
Welcome Bag Pick Up
In this role you will assist attendees as fill their Welcome Bag with a variety of snacks. This role is responsibile for checking off attendees when they arrive to get their Welcome Bag.
Meal Badge Checker
Flex Volunteer
In this role you will assist AASPA staff in checking lanyard colors and collecting meal tickets for breakfast on Wednesday and Thursday.
For this volunteer position, you will assist with various sponsored activities (restocking items, showing vendors to various locations and answer questions.)